About Me

Hi, My name is Heather Hendricks and I am the Owner/Operator of www.HipGreenDogs.com, an on-line store dedicated to offering eco friendly dog products and gifts to all the Hip Hounds doing their best to erase those carbon paw prints.  (Shhhh, don't tell my dog Conner, he thinks he's in charge).  

I am a proud mom of one daughter, Emma, and one K-9 son, Conner.  

This is Conner, my HipGreenDog (just a bit spoiled!).

So, I was sitting at my desk at my old job one day and I said Self, wouldn't it be nice to do something I really loved and find ways to also give back? And my Self said, yep it sure would!  So I took a huge leap of faith, quit my job, combined my love for dogs and love for the earth and created HipGreenDogs.com.  I then said Self, there has to be a way to share eco tips, news and product reviews with the world.  And my Self said, yep there is - hence HipGreenBlog.

My goal is to share with you tips and news about green living with our animals, sprinkle in some humor and fun, and provide you with information that hopefully you find useful and relevant.

I also want to encourage you to support your local shelters and dog rescues as they need our help!

Thanks for reading and all your support in this venture.

Hope you enjoy HipGreenBlog!

We're Hip, We're Green and We're all about Dogs - Woof!